Warhammer Renaissance armyproject 2024

Inspired, like many before us, by the White Dwarf articles series "A Tale of Four Gamers" (WD 218->);
a couple of Swedish Warhammer enthusiasts recently decided to make a small armychallenge for the coming year. Beginning January 2024, we will be introducing and presenting our armyprojects monthly.

The guidelines are as follows:

2000 points worth of army, for the fan-made Warhammer Renaissance ruleset, presented each month in batches of ~400 points.

We will each start the year by introducing our respective armyprojects and ideas.
The sixth and last month will be for finishing leftovers or extras, summarizing our efforts and presenting our finished armyprojects.

torsdag 16 maj 2024

Part 5: Thomas’s Imperial ogres; eaters of men.

 After some delay they're done! more ogres with great weapons to be used as maneaters or ogres with great weapons. Now on to the good bits, the pictures!

Next up are the characters, the tyrant and his soothsayer. Cheers!

måndag 6 maj 2024

Part 5: April - Niklas' Orcs & Goblins

Well well well, seems like I finally bit off more than I could chew this month. At least it seems like I'm not the only one. Time slipped away from me and I only managed to paint a regiment of savage orcs, half of what I wanted to paint this month.

Unlike my previous units of identical monopose orcs and goblins, this is one quite the mix of models. It is mainly made up of the bulky 6th edition savage orcs, but with some 4th and even 3rd edition savage orcs here and there. 

Talk about scale creep!

I'm glad I got at least something painted this month, even if it wasn't a full 400 points. Hopefully I can make up for it in the end. Until next time!

April points total:


- Savage Orc Champion (potion of strength) - 54 pts


- 19 Savage Orcs (additional hand weapons, banner of might) - 201 pts

Total: 255 pts

onsdag 3 april 2024

Part 4: Thomas’s Imperial ogres; beastmasters, bears and ‘belchers!

Click link to listen to the poswermetalballad BEARS AND GONNES that stes the mood.

I love beastmaster units! I really don’t like sabertooth tigers and the Empire is a place where the forests and mountains have plenty of bears but, praise Sigmar, no sabertooth tigers! 

Bears and beastmasters are fun and games but nothing can hold a candle to the leadbechers! huge handgonnes loaded with an irresponsible ammount of powder and a good fistful of scrap metal makes for a terrifyinglu fun and mobile kartech! 

tisdag 2 april 2024

Part 4, March, Jacob´s Slaanesh army

Ok, this month passed by really fast! In the end I manage to finish this months goal; a unit of 11 Slaanesh warriors and a sorcerer. The miniatures were a pleasure (I have already succumb to the dark lord…) to paint; some of my favorites models from the 80s. For April I´m going to paint up 12 steeds of Slaanesh, a bit of a stretch as I start a new job and move to a different city, fingers crossed!

Part 4: ScatteredFlesh's Beastmen

Not gonna lie - this month was a bit of a slog! I think mostly because I feel like I don't want to cut too many corners with the bestigors. So it's all regular acrylics. Which means every model craves my full attention and that's hard when you're like me, especially when it's a whole unit of very similar models. Speaking of bestigors...
Am I happy with how they turned out, at least? I mean, not entirely. But it's fine, I'm happy to add them to the growing horde. That's how it is sometimes when I run out of gas, I just kind of slog through it, and the results reflect that. But they're very presentable. They just don't "do it" for me, I guess. What excited me, tho, was this guy that I sneak peeked in part 3 - this time with a base and a temporary paint job.
I don't entirely like how it looks right now, so I've decided to rework most of the paint job. I guess you'll see pictures of that next month! I'm entering it to a painting competition in Stockholm called 08 Open 2.0. It will serve as a unit filler for the bestigors, adding four to the unit. Sculpting this drunken idiot was a blast, and a new experience for me, as I've never sculpted anything of this scale before. Or sculpted anything from entirely from scratch either, honestly. I'm really proud of this guy. Not the paint job, but the sculpting, it took quite a while but I really loved it so I didn't mind. I especially liked that I could do it in bed, hahaha... Unlike painting which would probably end with having paint all over the sheets... Lastly, here is a hero I painted up:
Thanks for reading... Until next time - Keep on rocking in the Old World! And before I go, here's a picture of them all together in the weirdly lit cabinet:

Part 4: March - Niklas' Orcs & Goblins

This month was a real doozy! I painted like an absolute madman during the Easter holiday just to make it this month. Somehow I managed it though, and I'm very pleased with this month's contribution.

I started off the month by painting a block of 20 Orcs, all monopose plastics from 3rd edition. This time I even remembered their shields! I will run these as big 'uns just to pump up their points a bit.

I had only a week left of the month when I started my giant. I thought he would paint up quickly but the 6th edition sculpt has a lot of detail and I spent way too long painting his skin.

So when I had painted the orcs and the giant I had a total of 360 points. 40 points short of 400! This would not do! So while the giant was still drying I spent the last hours of the last day quickly painting a squig herder and his 3 squigs. Even though I was rushing I still like how the squigs came out, the herder himself leaves a bit to be desired though but oh well. 

This was truly a challenging month, but I'm happy I made it and I don't plan on slowing down yet! Until next time!

March points total:


- 20 Orc Big'uns (with shields) - 160 pts

- 1 Night Goblin Squig-Hunter with 3 Squigs - 42 pts


- Giant - 200 pts 

Total: 402 pts